Otaru Kihinkan( The Old Aoyama Villa)
Otaru Travel Guide 2023
The BEST Things to Do in Otaru, Japan|Otaru Day Trip
In the mid-Meiji period, Tomekichi Aoyama, one of the "three major fishing families in Shukutsu," acquired a vast site on the Shukutsu coastline and constructed a group of fishing buildings including a main building (former guard lodge), a group of warehouses, and a loca.

Although the herring fishing around De gradually declined after peaking around 1897, Masakichi Aoyama II and his daughter-in-law, Tamiharu, continued to manage the fishery by owning a large number of nets. In the Taisho era (1912-1926), the Aoyama family, which had already become one of the wealthiest families in Otaru area, started to build a villa for their residence on the site behind the former guard lodge, reportedly at the strong wish of Masakichi's daughter, Masae.

The main building is a one-story wooden structure with a gabled gabled roof, and a two-story detached house is built to the northeast.
The main and side entrances are symmetrically located on the east and west sides of the south facade, creating an imposing facade that represents the style of the three major fishing houses.
The interior is lavishly decorated with Shunkei lacquerware and fine wood, and each room has a different Japanese and Western design.
Facility name
Otaru Kihinkan( The Old Aoyama Villa)
〒047-0047 3-63, Shukutsu, Otaru City, Hokkaido
Opening hours
Regular closing day
the New Year's holiday
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Tai monaka chocolate with 23 lucky spots in Otaru decorated on the packaging. Chocolate and rice puffs are added to the 100% glutinous rice monaka dough, which is baked using traditional techniques.

Otaru Department Store UNGA↑
Original products that convey the attractions of Otaru are developed and sold in a storefront converted from the former Otaru warehouse headquarters, which is said to be the oldest business warehouse in Hokkaido, located in the Otaru North Canal area. The shop tells the story of Otaru's prosperity in the pioneering days of Hokkaido and the history of the Kitamaebune, and displays and sells processed seafood and agricultural products from the port of call and Hokkaido, as well as original products by craftsmen and artists associated with Otaru.

Facility name
Otaru Department Store UNGA↑
〒047-0031 2-1-20 Ironai, Otaru City
Opening hours
Regular closing day
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The BEST Things to Do in Otaru, Japan|Otaru Day Trip
In the mid-Meiji period, Tomekichi Aoyama, one of the "three major fishing families in Shukutsu," acquired a vast site on the Shukutsu coastline and constructed a group of fishing buildings including a main building (former guard lodge), a group of warehouses, and a loca.

Although the herring fishing around De gradually declined after peaking around 1897, Masakichi Aoyama II and his daughter-in-law, Tamiharu, continued to manage the fishery by owning a large number of nets. In the Taisho era (1912-1926), the Aoyama family, which had already become one of the wealthiest families in Otaru area, started to build a villa for their residence on the site behind the former guard lodge, reportedly at the strong wish of Masakichi's daughter, Masae.

The main building is a one-story wooden structure with a gabled gabled roof, and a two-story detached house is built to the northeast.
The main and side entrances are symmetrically located on the east and west sides of the south facade, creating an imposing facade that represents the style of the three major fishing houses.
The interior is lavishly decorated with Shunkei lacquerware and fine wood, and each room has a different Japanese and Western design.
Facility name
Otaru Kihinkan( The Old Aoyama Villa)
〒047-0047 3-63, Shukutsu, Otaru City, Hokkaido
Opening hours
Regular closing day
the New Year's holiday
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Chocolate in the shape of a sea bream
Tai monaka chocolate with 23 lucky spots in Otaru decorated on the packaging. Chocolate and rice puffs are added to the 100% glutinous rice monaka dough, which is baked using traditional techniques.

Otaru Travel Guide Category List
Otaru Department Store UNGA↑
Original products that convey the attractions of Otaru are developed and sold in a storefront converted from the former Otaru warehouse headquarters, which is said to be the oldest business warehouse in Hokkaido, located in the Otaru North Canal area. The shop tells the story of Otaru's prosperity in the pioneering days of Hokkaido and the history of the Kitamaebune, and displays and sells processed seafood and agricultural products from the port of call and Hokkaido, as well as original products by craftsmen and artists associated with Otaru.

Facility name
Otaru Department Store UNGA↑
〒047-0031 2-1-20 Ironai, Otaru City
Opening hours
Regular closing day
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