Oshoro Circular Stone

Otaru Travel Guide 2023
The BEST Things to Do in Otaru, Japan|Otaru Day Trip

The stone circle, a 33m long x 22m wide oval shaped stone circle of various sizes, is located on a small river terrace in the western part of Otaru City. The stones were placed on a flat surface after the gentle slope at an elevation of 20 m was cut down and filled with gravel. It is a valuable site where visitors can see the remains of the ancient people's large-scale civil engineering work.

 Oshoro Circular Stone

Research to date has revealed that the stone circle was constructed in the late Jomon Period (approximately 3,500 years ago), that the standing stones were not brought from the surrounding coast but from Cape Siripa in Yoichi Town, approximately 9 km away in a straight line, and that large wooden pillars were erected around the stone circle.

 Oshoro Circular Stone

Considering the large scale creation and maintenance of the site over a period of time, the amount of work involved would be impossible for the surrounding communities to do alone.
It is known that the number of settlements around Otaru increased during this period, and it is believed that the creation and maintenance of the site was carried out jointly by the community.

In the area around Oshiro and Yoichi Bay, from western Otaru to Yoichi, there is a concentration of stone rings of various types in terms of location and composition, such as the Jichinzan Ring, the Nishizaki Mountain Circular Stone, the Hachimanzan Circular Stone in Yoichi Town, and the Mongak B Site in Niki Town.
Among these, the Oshiro Circular Stones are considered to be the core of the group.

Facility name
Oshoro Circular Stone
〒048-2561 2 Oshoro, Otaru City, Hokkaido
Otaru Museum 0134-33-2523
Opening hours
free to observe
Regular closing day
free to observe
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Chocolate in the shape of a sea bream

Tai monaka chocolate with 23 lucky spots in Otaru decorated on the packaging. Chocolate and rice puffs are added to the 100% glutinous rice monaka dough, which is baked using traditional techniques.

Chocolate in the shape of a sea bream

Otaru Travel Guide Category List

First recommendation for Otaru.

Shop on Otaru North Canal.

Highlights of the North Canal.

Spectacular view of Otaru.

Spiritual place in Otaru.

Delicious restrants in Otaru.

History and literature of Otaru.

Historic buildings in Otaru.

First trip to Otaru|3hour tour course|Touring Otaru

First trip to Otaru|6hour tour course|Touring Otaru

First trip to Otaru|1day tour course|Touring Otaru

First trip to Otaru|2day tour course|Touring Otaru

Otaru Street Walking Map
Otaru Canal Walking Guide

Otaru Department Store UNGA↑

Original products that convey the attractions of Otaru are developed and sold in a storefront converted from the former Otaru warehouse headquarters, which is said to be the oldest business warehouse in Hokkaido, located in the Otaru North Canal area. The shop tells the story of Otaru's prosperity in the pioneering days of Hokkaido and the history of the Kitamaebune, and displays and sells processed seafood and agricultural products from the port of call and Hokkaido, as well as original products by craftsmen and artists associated with Otaru.

Otaru Department Store UNGA↑

Facility name
Otaru Department Store UNGA↑
〒047-0031 2-1-20 Ironai, Otaru City
Opening hours
Regular closing day
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